Individual player development is the key to Bowling Green Soccer Club’s continued growth and success.
When young players receive quality training and sense their progress as they learn new skills,
they have FUN! Enjoyment and development go hand-in-hand. A top factor in player development
is the number of times a player touches the ball.
At BGSC we place players in a training environment that maximizes the number of touches each player has
throughout their time with us. Each and every player that is part of BGSC becomes a better player and person
through BGSC positive coaching, focus on development, and emphasis on the player’s enjoyment and
personal success while they are a player for BGSC.
Bowling Green Soccer Club is dedicated to providing a positive environment for committed players to play
competitive soccer in a positive atmosphere. This is accomplished through individual player development,
positive coaching, and teaching the ideals of sportsmanship and respect for the game.